Meet the Mediterranean monk seal

This educational animation introduces us to ‘Monachus Monachus’, the most endangered mammal in the Mediterranean Sea. This informative animation, highlights the threats that this Mediterranean monk seal is facing and the efforts that are being undertaken to protect it.

The Mediterranean monk seal is the only species of its kind that is found in the Mediterranean Sea. It is among the most endangered species in the world, with a population estimated at less than 700 seals, with approximately 19 living in Cyprus.

This species that once appeared in abundance around the Mediterranean coasts, is now threatened by real estate developments in coastal areas and overfishing.

The animation aims to raise awareness on the challenges that the Mediterranean monk seal is facing while at the same time.

The creation of the film was commissioned by the ‘Enalia Physis Environmental Research Center’, a Cyprus NGO that conducts environmental research in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems.

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