Dive In


Is it the right fit for you?

The way we look at advertising has shifted dramatically over the past few years, with social media advertising, in particular, coming a long way since it first emerged. Today, for a brand to thrive it is crucial to building a solid online presence; one that is defined by an engaged audience responding to compelling content.

Video has become a crucial part of the broader online marketing strategy, and animated video is stepping in as the game changer.

Social video ad animations are specifically designed to be easily adaptable as to be tailored to the specifications and particularities of each social platform accordingly.

Social Video Ads fit at any stage of the sales funnel and can be used at any moment during the customer’s journey. Their content is only limited by your imagination, with themes ranging from company story, branding, product presentations, service-related, educational, or specifically created as part of an online campaign instead of a TV commercial.

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The benefits:

  • Increased Engagement
  • Eye-catching
  • Adaptable, Scalable & Optimisable for Cross-Platform Use
  • Highly Shareable & Searchable
  • Measurable Results & Tracked Effectiveness

How do we go about it?

Advertising nowadays requires a digital-first approach.

When trying to grab the attention of today’s overstimulated online audience, there is no room for sloppiness. The key, however, isn’t simply for your video to be uploaded fitting seamlessly on the users’ feeds; your social video ad has to stand out, intrigue, make an impact and win over the audience’s attention.

Engagement and interest can be accomplished by asking questions, generating emotional appeal, using humor or showing something unexpected! Animation makes all of this possible, there are no limits to what you can do. Animation evokes emotions that resonate with the viewers. It transports them, sparks conversations and makes them want to follow the story.

If you want to be taken on a tour of our basic animation process, here’s a video that we created to guide you through it.

Care to learn more about the role of video on social media, as well as Social Video Ads and how they can profit your business? Head to our knowledge hub, cause we’ve got you covered:


European Youth Card

Movie Mondays

The Adventures of Zeus

European Youth Card

An animated promo for the European Youth Card, provided by the Youth Board of Cyprus!

The campaign of which this video was part, was awarded with the EUROPEAN YOUTH CARD EXCELLENCE AWARD IN PR & COMMUNICATIONS.

Website: https://europeanyouthcard.onek.org.cy/

Movie Mondays

A little promo we did for the Larnaca Cinema Society. We show classic landmarks from Larnaca,Cyprus, which happens to be our hometown, 'invaded' by classic cinematic references, with fun and flare for all cinephiles.

The Adventures of Zeus

A fun character based animation for the Dermatology & Cosmetic Clinic of Cyprus. A promo for an awareness campaign on sexually transmitted diseases.